Monday, June 1, 2009

The Cutest Baby Bump!

Some of you know the story of my best friend Rachel and her husband Dan. They struggled with infertility for 5 years, and had undergone several insemination's and one try at IVF, all with no success. After taking a bit to re-focus and consider what step to do next, they decided to apply for adoption. I wrote a detailed letter of support that is required for the adoption file and they had worked hard to put together the entire file to be handed in once they returned from their vacation early this February. Rachel and Dan came to find out that they never had to turn in the file, as Rachel surprisingly got pregnant on her own. (Now I dare you to tell me that you don't believe in miracles!) Anyway, here she is 23 weeks pregnant. Seriously, I have never been so thrilled for someone! And she has the cutest baby bump!

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