Monday, June 22, 2009

MMM 6/22/09

Whirlwind of a weekend. Addy's soccer tournament, Father's Day, the summer solstice, Valleyfair, oh yeah, and Trent's 8th birthday!! Really, I don't think we could of packed in any more action even if we tried!Saturday was the big trip to Valleyfair. We were up early and got there early, and rode everything we wanted to and many things twice. In fact, Trent & Russ rode Wild Thing and then we parent swapped and when I rode it, there was only one other person on it besides me. Now that was weird...yet, I still screamed. Trent rode the Corkscrew at least 5 times and we got soaked on the Wave. Addy wasn't tall enough for most of the big rides, but she enjoyed herself on all the various kid rides, and on the Mild Thing (pic of Trent & Addy below) and by the end this mom had had enough of the going 'round and 'round stuff.

Trent & Addy riding in the front on Mild Thing:

Trent and Russ on the Corksrew:

All of us on the Tilt A Whirl (Russ took the pic):

Sunday, of course, was Trent's 8th Birthday! And I know everybody says this, but it's so true: I can't believe how big he is! It seems like just yesterday he was a little baby and now he is playing baseball and football and taking swimming lessons and being, well, a boy.

In-between celebrating Trent's special day, Addy had her last two soccer games. Despite the rain, we had a great time cheering on the Pickles and her team won both games. They ended the season with only one loss, one tie, and the other 7 games as wins! She absolutely loves the game, had a great first soccer coach, and wants to keep playing.

Oh yes, Sunday was also Father's Day, and luckily both Russ's dad and my dad were able to make it up to our house for the combo soccer tourney, Trent's birthday, Father's day celebration! I told you we were busy!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow!!! You were busy!! I agree - there wasn't much more you could packed into your weekend. Ours was pretty much uneventful. Greg worked all weekend 4a-4p. Brit made him a card and we bought him a movie and that was about it. Hope you week is off to a good start.