Wednesday, November 12, 2008

jewelry party

I went to my friend Annemarie's house last night for a jewelry party she was hosting. Those of you who know me are no doubt chuckling to yourselves at the thought of me at a such a party. It's true, I am not a jewelry girl. Now, I do like the jewelry I own and the pieces that mean the most to me, I wear everyday. I never take off my wedding ring, 10 year anniversary ring and the diamond earrings that Russ gave to me. Those pieces I am never without.

What I'm talking about is accessory jewelery. They come in a variety of lengths, colors, sizes, materials, and looks. And they all look better in the catalog, in the case, or on someone else than they do on me. I'm sure I'm being more pessimistic about it than it is in reality. It's just that I see a piece of jewelry, say this beaded necklace I looked at and tried on many times last night, and I just can't seem to fathom when or with what would I wear it? Now that I'm a stay-at-home mom, I really don't need to have a great set of dangley earrings on to play games with Addy or a funky, chunky necklace to wear as I vacuum the house. Just seems sort of ridiculous to me. And contrary to what you might think, I'm not lounging around all day in my PJ's or sweatpants (okay, I admit the sweatpants do tend to come out on Fridays) but the cute and fun accessory jewelry that I'm talking about just doesn't seem to go with my GAP sweatshirt and jeans.

I'm also known for losing and breaking jewelry. I have learned not to spend a ton of money on jewelry, because for some reason my body seems to repeal all accessory jewelry. One minute I'm wearing it, the next minute it's lost forever. I'm left with the silver chain the piece came on and an already fading memory of only owning the necklace for two weeks. Or I'm playing water volleyball and the next minute, the ring my dad gave me is off my finger and waiting to be discovered at the bottom of Ham Lake. Really, I have more stories of me losing jewelry than one person should have. Jewelry also seems to literally break off me. I once had a really pretty bracelet that somehow got caught on my coat sleeve and snap! it broke right off my wrist. My husband couldn't believe that it had broken just like that. Umm, yeah, that's because it was on my wrist.

So why are you asking yourself, did I go to my friends party then? Well, first and foremost because she's my friend. Secondly, because I can still look right? I can still pretend that jewelry is my thing and that I want it all. Right? Right? And I did end up buying something. A ring. Gold and silver to wear next to my wedding ring. I hope I remember to wear it. And once it arrives, I'll take a picture of it and post it for you all to see. Because chances are it won't last long once it's on my finger.

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