Friday, November 14, 2008

The last time you will hear me say Yeah! for grocery shopping

Russ and Trent left this morning with our friend Jake for the second weekend of deer hunting. Trent has been doing awesome in school and at home, in Scouts, and religion classes, so he earned the special privilege of getting out of school early today to be with the guys and both grandpas and experience deer camp for the weekend. So, Addy and I are alone for the weekend. Just us girls. And what exciting thing do you ask will we be doing? We will be grocery shopping!! Wow. I could seriously hear your sigh of disappointment there. Okay, well let me try and explain why this grocery shopping trip will be exciting! And much anticipated!

First some background: I hate grocery shopping. I think the whole thing is ridiculous. You get to the store and walk down the aisles filling your cart with food and other items. Then you get to the check-out and you unload all the items from your cart. Then you load all the items, now in bags, back into your cart. Then you unload the bags from the cart into your Yukon. Then you unload the bags from the Yukon into your house, where you then unload the items from the bags, and place them on your pantry and refridgerator shelves. Anyone else exhausted?! Now you might be asking yourself, why don't I just order groceries through a delivery service? Well, because I'm not (or rather Russ isn't) going to pay more to have someone else shop for me! Just one of my job duties as a stay-at-home mom, and my least favorite one at that.

Anyway, back to why the grocery shopping adventure today is much anticipated and will be exciting...because I haven't really grocery shopped since September. Yeah. My built-up, always well stocked pantry is very sad. The lone diced tomato and the can of soup that nobody in our family will eat (which it too will soon be leaving for the food shelf) are all that remain. Very sad. How did this happen? Well, life happened, as it tends to do everyday. First, I was just so busy volunteering and getting Trent and Addy to one activity after another. Then, with the recent diagnosis of my heart condition, I seemed to forever be sitting in the doctor's office. So, I would just run in and quick get things that we needed for a meal. I was too exhausted and busy to think about meals a week in advance. And the pantry slowly started to dwindle. And the freezer slowly ran out of meat.

Which brings me back to today...Hooray, for today we are doing major grocery shopping! I have a list, a long list, of items. I have coupons, I have energy, and Addy and I are going to tackle the task of filling up the pantry again. And that will be exciting, because then I will have something to organize. Which you know I love to do! And my pantry will be back to being stocked, and I will be back to planning meals in advance. So, it is with joyful anticipation and excitement that we are going to leave in a little while to go grocery shopping. Oh, and Addy is going to get to buy the Kung Fu Panda movie and then after that we will make popcorn and watch the movie together just so you don't think that we aren't doing something really special!

1 comment:

KariAnnS said...

I LOATHE grocery shopping! For all the reasons you listed. Although we have a wonderful store in town that bags for you AND loads them in your car. You can't bring carts into the parking lot b/c it's slanted. That part I LOVE. But that's the only part. We bought Kung Fu Panda last weekend and really liked it. Enjoy your girls night. Don't forget to take some pictures.