Monday, November 24, 2008


This weekend was filled with family. Hello's, good-byes, and can't wait to meet you's.

First, my sister Beth arrived back in town on her way to Denver where she plans on now living 6 months out of the year, and then will travel the other six. Her boyfriend, John, owns a home there and she is in love and excited to start a new adventure out west. My mom decided to drive out there with her to help her get some of her things and then she will fly back next week. The kids enjoyed a few brief hours with their Auntie:

And of course we had to do our crazy sisters pic:

Addy and Russ then left for Spicer. Russ helped his dad finish the wood floor in their new place, and do a bunch of other project while Addy was left in charge of "watching grandma and making sure she doesn't get in Dad and Grandpa's way." Not that that was actually the case, but I know both granddaugher and grandmother had a wonderful time.

Trent and I had our mother and son time together this weekend. Saturday morning we spent playing (and me sneaking in cleaning) while we waited for the DIRECTV guy to come and install new system. So exciting for me to have DVR! I have about a dozen videotapes I can now throw out :) I also took Trent to the movie theatre to see BOLT (as did Lena and Addy). Another great Disney movie we will have to add to our collection.

Russ's week with his goatee is almost up, and he is ready to shave. Since our bet was only for a week, I will sadly have to say good-bye. {sigh} See you next bet...

In my last blog, I told you of the amazing story of my step-mom Carly and her biological son, Troy, and how he had found her. I am thrilled to report, that over the weekend, they have talked several times on the telephone and plans are being made by Troy and his family to come visit, possibly over Thanksgiving. I am just so happy for Carly. I told her that from now on, when I called her to get an update, I was going to make sure I wasn't wearing any make-up! Because everytime, I end up crying on the phone from sheer joy about their reunion. My step-sister and step-brother are also happy, excited, and nervous to meet their older half-brother.

Today we spent the morning running errands. Addy had her Thanksgiving party at pre-school and Trent had a playdate with one of his classmates while I was volunteering at the school book fair. My kids love books, and I was given many, many ideas for ones they want to read. That's about it for Monday Morning Minutes (MMM) this week. Now to start getting ready for Thanksgiving.

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