Thursday, December 18, 2008

December Mail

I love getting mail. Real mail. We're not talking about any clicking going on here, but the kind that comes in an honest to God envelope (colored ones are better than plain white too) and arrives in your mailbox. Now, I can do without the solicitation mail, and of course the bills, which arrive on a daily basis. It's those envelopes with my name or our family name hand-written on the outside or with a cute name label that I get all giddy about. Thus, I absolutely love getting the mail everyday during the month of December.

All those Christmas cards! Tons of silver, gold, red, and green envelopes. Some even have stickers on them, aah the pure joy. Even though it's only 5 degrees outside, I love walking out to get the mail. Once I get back inside, I start opening the days cards immediately. I read the letters, stare at all the gorgeous and fun pictures of our friends and family and just feel happy inside. I share them with the kids, and we leave them out for Russ to look at when he comes home. And then the picture cards make their way onto the foyer closet door...otherwise known as the CC (Christmas card) Gallery.

Once on the gallery wall, they are oohed and aahed at again and again. I even have contests for the cards before I take them down. Best card design, best family picture, and the cutest picture. And let me tell you, it's getting harder every year! With such great sites as and, everyone has such unique and wonderful cards to share. I love all the different colors and styles! After Christmas, they all go in a scrapbook to be shared and looked at through-out the year. So thanks to everyone for making my daily walk to the mailbox so anticipated!

Here is a picture of the Christmas card gallery as of this morning:


KariAnnS said...

I see a familiar card! :) I'm with you- I love the mailbox goodies in Dec!

Anonymous said...

Sara, I TOTALLY agree!

Kari Wendinger said...

Oh my gosh - I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets so excited about checking the mail at Christmas time! When Ryan comes home from work I practically tackle him to wrestle away the holiday greetings. If I pick up the mail, I open the letters while I'm still in my car. So exciting. MERRY CHRISTMAS!