Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My love/hate relationship with Legos

As a mom, I have this on-going love/hate relationship with Legos. Greatest toy invention ever according to Russ. Trent and Addy play with them almost everyday. I, myself, growing up, remember going to my best friends house and wanting to play with her brothers Legos, badly. We didn't own any, and we could play Barbies anytime.

Flash foward 28 years and now I am a mom of children who have a ton of Legos. And I have developed a love/hate relationship with them. They are saviors and tormentors to me at the same time. Let me explain my reasoning.

I love Legos because:

  • they are wonderful toys for being creative. Follow the directions and create Anakin's starfighter or Indiana Jones playset or do your own thing and make super cool ships, cars, and racer pods. The possibilities are literally endless. And can be new every time you sit to play with them.

  • they keep Trent and Addy occupied for hours. And I mean hours. They dump all the Legos out on the floor and can easily spend an entire afternoon playing with them. They have so much fun with them and can't wait to show you each new creation.

  • you really can't break them. This is very important being the mother of a boy. And if you lose a piece, then I'm sure there are another 467 other pieces that will work for what you need to build. They are worth the money.

I hate Legos because:

  • they make their way to every room in your house. If I had even a penny, for every Lego I have ever picked up, I would be a billionzare! I have found them in the dryer, the car, the cat's food dish, and in the dishwasher. And the kids seem to have to dump out the entire tub of them every time they play. So, every time they play, the whole tub has to be picked up. Not to mention how many my Dyson has accidentally picked up because it was left behind and not seen. Opps.

  • they are a source of fierce competition and cause of many arguments in our house. Let me give you a brief example: "I had that Lego piece! No, I had it first! No, I did! NO! I DID! MOM!!" Ummm, can't you just use one of the other 246 red ones? Trent and Addy now usually hold an auction before they start playing. They put all the desirable legos (mainly the people) in a pile and take turns picking their pieces. Arguments still break out however. And usually someone ends up crying and I end up with a headache and a strong desire to throw them all away.

  • they hurt when you step on them. Especially at 2am when you get up to get a drink of water, and one of them made its way to hiding in front of the fridge. #&@^! Ouch!

See? I love 'em, but I sorta hate 'em too.


KariAnnS said...

amen sister- amen!

Estee said...

We haven't quite gotten to the Lego phase yet, Maddux is getting his first set of the small legos (as opposed to those Duplo things that he has now) for Christmas this year.

I have to say that I feel the same way about the Little People and their 10 gazillion animals as you do about the Legos. I have suffered many, many agonizing bruises on the bottom of my feet because the kangaroo from the Little People set has found its way into my path at 2AM.

I guess they were good practice for the Legos. :)

Kari Wendinger said...

Cute. Your kids are adorable too! Thanks for checking out my blog. Now I have your address and can add it to my favorites as well. Happy holidays!