Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Things that go bump in the night

Don't you just detest that middle of night thing (whatever it might be) that jolts you out of bed and makes your heart race and since you had just been in a peaceful slumber, your head actually does spin around as you try and figure out just what in the heck is going on? Well, I do.

Last night at approximately 1:13am, Russ and I were awakened by the strangest noise. My first panicked thought was that someone had turned the TV on downstairs and it was on some sort of nature show or show about the Abominable snowman. I can't accurately describe the noise in this blog, but as we listened in the dark, we realized it was coming from outside. It was the mix of a yelping dog, a growling animal (or beast perhaps), the sound of moving brush, and howling.

Russ jumped out of bed opened the shade. I really don't know what he thought he would see since 1.) he didn't have his contacts in or glasses on, and 2.) it was pitch black outside. But, like I said, when you are awakened from a sound slumber in the middle of the night, it takes a little while for your thoughts to form. Hence, my statement to him: "Deer don't eat dogs do they?" It was the only thing at the time that I could think could be happening out back in the woods behind our house. We have lots of deer. Maybe they just got sick of the corn we leave for them and decided to leave their vegan ways behind and attack a dog for a midnight snack? Ridiculous, I know. But the adrenaline pumping through me at the time had apparently blocked all rational thought.

Whatever the ruckus was, it then stopped. Russ put the shade back down and crawled back into bed. At that point, he rolled back over and promptly went to sleep. I detest that too. Ha! Like I would ever be so lucky. Normal people still have adrenaline pumping through their body. And then people like me with a heart condition, lay there for another 1/2 hour trying to get their heartbeat to return to what is a normal state for them, which is still full of heart palpitations.

I am really hoping that I don't find the remains of some animal this morning when I go to put corn out for the deer. On second thought, maybe I will let Russ put out the corn when he gets home.

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