Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And now this one is off the list...

I actually put writing this particular blog on a list. Of things. To do. Today.

Yeah. I'm a list-maker. Always have been. And just as there are people out there who think, "Why bother making a list?" I say to them, "Why would you NOT make a list?!" You have something to work off. Something to remind you. Something to give you satisfaction when you complete the task, item, whatever, on the list and cross it off when its done. Seriously, WHY would you NOT make a list?!

I love lists. Grocery shopping lists (even though you all know how much I detest grocery shopping, you still have to make a list), gift lists, things you need to do lists, lists of projects you need to complete lists, spelling lists (for Trent & those are courtesy Mr. Churchill), lists of important birthdays (that's a hint Lisa Trippel), lists, lists, lists!

I remember being 10 years old and getting ready to go to the cabin for the summer. My parents were divorced by then, and my dad had my sister and I pack our own bags. We would be there for about 2 weeks every summer. I started making a list of all the clothes I would bring and what days I would wear them. I still do the same thing 25 years later. Now I do it for everyone in our family. You should of seen the notebook I brought with us to DisneyWorld. Luckily, everyone still goes with my flow, but I know that will change in a few years. Anyway, back to the summer I was 10. List of what toys to bring. List of books to bring with and what books to look for while up at the cabin to read. List of what activities to do at the cabin. Lists of what meals to ask grandma to make.

List-making followed me into high school. Lists of things for class, lists of what clothes I wanted to buy with the meager amount of money I earned working at the daycare. Lists of what goals I had for track and cross-country. Lists of all the boys I had crushes on. Lists of the colleges I wanted to check-out. Opps! Wait! How did the mention of a list of boy crushes make it into this blog? That would be one list, that while very long, was never acted upon. Hmmm. Well, at any rate, I think you get the gist. I don't think I need to go on into college or preparing for our wedding or the insane amount of lists I had made being pregnant. Both times.

And you should all know that my dad has worked in the paper industry for over 30 years. So I always had a ton of paper pads handy thanks to him. Ahh, yet another reason to add to my list of why my dad is a hero to me.

I like making lists. It makes me happy. It's ultimate organizing... in list form. It's the calming technique before the craziness starts. It's a list. Yeah for lists! And now this one, is off the list.


Sue Nordquist said...

Too funny, we are list soul mates...
Your Disney vacation one cracked me up. For our Yellowstone trip last summer I ended up with so many lists I had an expandable file I brought with.

Kari Wendinger said...

I am all about lists! My grocery list is organized in order by aisles. :)

Michelle said...

I made plenty of lists for Disney last year! :) I am a list maker too. Hubby is not so fond of it, but then I ALWAYS help him. I have lists of pages/albums to make, things to do, groceries (for home and work), places to visit, spelling lists... the "list" goes on. :)