Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sparkly vampires and cute shift-changers for starters

Well, I read all 4 books in the Twilight series in the span of 2 weeks. I am spent. And just like whenever I finished a Harry Potter book, I need time to reflect and wait before I can start another book.

If you haven't read the books, and plan to, or haven't finished reading them, then don't read any more of this blog, there might be spoilers and I hate doing that to people unnecessarily if I can help it.

Out of the four books in the series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, & Breaking Dawn), Eclipse was my absolute favorite. I read that one in less than 2 days. (Russ is very happy I am done with the series by the way, something about me totally ignoring him come bedtime ;) Something about that 3-way relationship between Edward, Bella, and Jacob made it so real despite the fact that you were reading about a vampire, his mortal love, and her best friend, who happens to be a shift-changing wolf. Life, and love, is like that sometimes where you are pulled both directions by love and friendship and what feels right in your heart. And for Bella it was having both men equally in hers. And it shows that even though Edward and Bella are to eternally made (or created- in Bella's case, ha!) for one another, that Edward couldn't be absolutely everything for Bella, who still needed and wanted her best friend Jacob in her life. Bella treated Edward very human in that sense. No one person can be everything for another. I like that; I get that.

The last book, Breaking Dawn, was actually my least favorite of the four books. I'm not quite sure why though. I think because it all just seemed too "easy" for Bella to become a new vampire and have this power that she mastered. I don't know. I haven't put my finger on it yet. That is what I will solve in my subconscious mind tonight while I dream! I do like how Stephanie Meyer portrayed the bond between Nessie and Bella. If you have kids, you know without a doubt that you would put your life on the line for your child(ren) and do whatever you had to to ensure that their future was in fact there for them. Bella most certainly did that for Nessie. It was exciting and defitintely kept my interest, it was just my least favorite of the four.

Knowing that movies are never as good as the books they are based on, I am still excited to see Twilight. It comes out on DVD March 21st (take a stab at what I will be doing that night!), but I also hear that some movie theatres are still showing it. I'll get Russ to watch it with me, and maybe he will be able to see why I was so intent on reading them all. He dealt with Harry Potter, (and ended up liking the movies) so he will be fine with these too!


Sue Nordquist said...

Ha - that is so interesting that my favorite was your least favorite. I guess I just loved that what I had hoped for throughout the series was realized. That fairy tale happy ending for the romantic in me. :) Eclipse was my next favorite though!

KariAnnS said...

I agree with you- Eclipse was my favorite. New Moon was my least favorite I think. But I can't put my finger on why. My sister says it's better the 2nd read through. Although now I'm antsy for Potter so I'm going to reread the last couple of those :)

I really did get absorbed into Twilight though. I'll have to do a scrapbook page and then I'll blog about it.