Monday, March 16, 2009

MMM 3/16/09

Whew! It was a packed weekend of activities for the Soukup family!

Friday night, in anticipation of family game night, Russ went all stealth on us and bought a Wii! We had looked at getting one at Christmas time, but decided against it. Russ got a nice bonus from his work this week though, and found a Wii at Costco and bought it. He certainly surprised me and the kids. I do have to say, it is a fun and entertaining little game system. We created our Mii people and then did our first family game of Wii bowling. Lots of fun!!

Saturday, Trent and Russ were gone all day at the Scout's Wolf Howl. They get together with other dens in the district and do a bunch of activities including archery & swimming. Addy and I cleaned house, went shopping, and played. That night, friends of our made through Scouts, the Dusbabek's, invited us out to their house for a bonfire. I was a little unsure of sitting around a bonfire when it is still winter time, but it had been a nice day out, so I was up for the adventure. My doubts were quickly put aside. It turned out to be a great evening! A nice glass of wine and relaxing and chatting in front of a roaring fire, ahhh, so nice. The kids had a blast running around outside, toasting marshmallows and Cheetos (yeah, that would be the boys) and playing with their friends. It was a great evening, and Trent and Addy fell right into bed when we got home!

Sunday, I had the girls I went to graduate school with and their kids over to our place. There are five us girls that graduated back in 1998 with Master degrees in counseling. We now have 9 kids and one on the way between us, and 3 of us are stay-at-home moms! Amazing what a difference 10 years can make! Anyway, I made a big brunch spread and we had a wonderful afternoon visiting and playing. Russ took Trent to his communion retreat Sunday afternoon as well. It was one of the last steps he needed to complete before he goes through the communion ceremony in May. The kids also got some playing time in outside in the nice weather before wrapping up our weekend, and it sounds like the rest of the week is going to be a nice little peek into spring-time as well.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow, Sara! That was a packed weekend!! I am glad you had a good time with the girls!! Hope you are feeling well. Sure sounds like it! :)